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10 Questions To Ask Before Planning Your Wedding, According To Wedding Planners

Congratulations! You just got engaged. You dried your tears, called your best friend, maid-of-honour to be, parents, in-laws, had a glass of champers and with your fiancé you both cannot stop smiling. How wonderful!

Days, weeks passed by and everyone is asking you: "when are you getting married?", "where", "how many guests?" "Am I invited?"..euh..non.So now that you have decided to start the wedding planning, where should you start? Which points to discuss with your wedding planner?

We are delighted at Audrey Ametis Weddings to have been featured in Grazia on the fabulous blog "10 Questions to ask before planning your wedding, according to wedding planners". Head to Grazia to read the full blog where we give tips, along with some friends of the industry.

Some extracts below!!

10 Questions To Ask Before Planning Your Wedding, According To Wedding Planners


Em­brace the cur­rent in­flux of Christ­mas tree pic­tures and mulled wine boomerangs on your In­sta­gram feed, be­cause in just 13 days’ time it will be awash with en­gage­ment rings. Yes, it’s that time of year again: pro­posal sea­son. With Christ­mas Day the most pop­u­lar time of year for peo­ple to get en­gaged, it’s only right that we look to the fu­ture and help calm your nerves be­fore you of­fi­cially have to start plan­ning one of the biggest events you’ll ever plan.

That’s why we’ve spoke to the ex­perts, wed­ding plan­ners Au­drey Ametis – founder of Au­drey Ametis Wed­dings, to find out every­thing we should be ask­ing our­selves be­fore we em­bark on even think­ing about what we want for the big day…

1. What is your comfortable budget?

‘I al­ways ad­vise my clients to in­clude in their wed­ding bud­get every­thing and we mean every­thing,’ says Au­drey, ‘Within a gen­eral cat­e­gory, for ex­am­ple, sta­tionery, go in depth and in­clude every­thing like stamps.

‘For in­stance, wed­ding favours. How cute it is to have a choco­late tablet with the bride and groom’s name on it? “It costs only £5” says the bride or groom. Fair enough but with 100 guests it is an ex­tra £500 on your bud­get and with 200 guests you just “lost” a grand with­out re­al­is­ing it. Even cou­ples with £150K or £250K for their wed­ding must stick to their bud­get. Splash for your big day, but be smart in splash­ing!’

‘Al­ways pur­chase in­sur­ance and have a con­tin­gency fund for un­planned emer­gen­cies,’ she con­tin­ued.

2. Have you planned for resting time on the day?

‘It is so im­por­tant to be a guest at your own wed­ding, so vi­su­alise the whole day, the flow,’ says Au­drey, ‘For in­stance what is the lo­gis­tic from church to the wed­ding venue? Cars, dou­ble deck­er’s, he­li­copters? How far have the guests got to walk from the cloak­room to the ball­room?

‘What are you plan­ning to do the day be­fore and the day af­ter the wed­ding? Have you al­lowed enough time for the guests to check into their ho­tel if they need to…and rest?! It is es­sen­tial to add in your plan­ning rest­ing time as well. It is a party af­ter all. Let them eat cake, have fun and re­lax!’

3. Do your guests need a false deadline to RSVP?

‘If you need an RSVP by 15/​07, you might de­cide to write 30/​06 on the in­vite,’ says Au­drey, ‘Some guests will be a bit late in re­spond­ing but also re­mem­ber, while your wed­ding is one of the most im­por­tant days of your life, your guests may have ur­gent mat­ters to deal with and yes, they have a life too, happy guests happy wed­ding.’

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